Saturday, July 31, 2010

"Roses are red and violets are blue 3"

"Roses are red and violets are blue, know that I'll be thinking of you."

Roses are red and violets are blue
I think I might be in love with you
I don't believe in destiny, I barely believe in fate
But somehow with you, I'm never up to date
When I take a step closer, you take a step back
With such strong emotion, I don't know how to keep track
Is this hate or is this love?
I think it might be all of the above

You make me nervous, you make me swoon
I keep on repeating this is all too soon
But when you smile or smirk, I know it's all worth it
Love is a game, I will never forfeit
Roses are red and violets are blue
Words could not describe, what you put me through
But when I tell you, and I tell you true
I'd tell you when roses were red and violets were blue


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