Saturday, July 31, 2010

"Roses are red and violets are blue 2"

"Roses are red and violets are blue, something's are worthless and others are worth holding onto."

Roses are red and violets are blue
Something's are worthless, some are worth holding on to
When I met you things changed for better or worse
Every time you're near, I'm clenching for thirst
You in my life is like a dangerous ride
I'm walking on eggshells every time we collide
I wanna say hi, but leave with goodbyes
Just seeing you clear up my skies
Annoying you daily always leaves me with a smile
I hate you, I love you, I know I'm in denial
The blinding light is too much to take
I can't help but get closer whether it's real or it's fake
I wanna hear you say you love me; I need to hear you say you care
But when am I gonna realize that life' is just unfair


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