Saturday, July 31, 2010

"Roses are red and violets are blue 3"

"Roses are red and violets are blue, know that I'll be thinking of you."

Roses are red and violets are blue
I think I might be in love with you
I don't believe in destiny, I barely believe in fate
But somehow with you, I'm never up to date
When I take a step closer, you take a step back
With such strong emotion, I don't know how to keep track
Is this hate or is this love?
I think it might be all of the above

You make me nervous, you make me swoon
I keep on repeating this is all too soon
But when you smile or smirk, I know it's all worth it
Love is a game, I will never forfeit
Roses are red and violets are blue
Words could not describe, what you put me through
But when I tell you, and I tell you true
I'd tell you when roses were red and violets were blue

"Roses are red and violets are blue 2"

"Roses are red and violets are blue, something's are worthless and others are worth holding onto."

Roses are red and violets are blue
Something's are worthless, some are worth holding on to
When I met you things changed for better or worse
Every time you're near, I'm clenching for thirst
You in my life is like a dangerous ride
I'm walking on eggshells every time we collide
I wanna say hi, but leave with goodbyes
Just seeing you clear up my skies
Annoying you daily always leaves me with a smile
I hate you, I love you, I know I'm in denial
The blinding light is too much to take
I can't help but get closer whether it's real or it's fake
I wanna hear you say you love me; I need to hear you say you care
But when am I gonna realize that life' is just unfair

"Roses are red and violets are blue 1"

"Roses are red and violets are blue, it's your fault for making me love you"

Roses are red and violets are blue
It’s no secret that I love you
I hitch a breath when you are near
When you come closer, I'm gasping for air
I want you close I want you now
I'm falling faster than I usually allow
My mood ring traces are covered by hate
I can't stop thinking that this is all fate
Bottled up inside are feelings I'll never show
Thing's I never told you, things you'll never know
I can't like you, can't have you, can't hold you, can't see you
Roses are red and violets are blue
I built up walls, but you're breaking through
And I just end up loving you

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I Can't Say I Love You

I Can't Say I Love You

I can't say I love you
Because you already know
And not a chance I have
To let it show

You'll never love me back
I already am facing the fact
That you'll never be mine
But I'll keep loving you 'til the end of time

I can't say I love you
Because it hurts me every time I do
Cause I know you'll never say the words
"I love you, too."

Why God Made Friends

Why God Made Friends

God made the world with a heart full of love,
Then he looked down from Heaven above,

And saw that we all need a helping hand
Someone to share with, who'll understand

He made special people to see us through
The glad times and sad times, too

A person on whom we can always depend
Someone we call a friend.

God made friends so we'll carry a part
of His perfect love in all our hearts.

Friday, July 23, 2010



Smiling is infectious,
You can catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner
and someone saw my grin
When he smiled I realized
I'd passed it on to him!

I thought about that smile,
then I saw its worth
a single smile just like mine
could travel around the Earth!

Losing A Friend

Losing A Friend

You were once here by my side
Now you're gone and I wave goodbye
We were friends when we are small
We were friends when we grew tall
When times were rough we tried to work it out
We gave each others advise
When we were in doubt
We always had fun together
Our friendship felt like it would last forever
Till the day came when you're life ended
I said goodbye to my best friend
I never thought this day would happen
My best friend is now in heaven


"There must be only a single goal in life,
and you must want nothing and believe nothing to arrive there."

"If the real thing don't do the trick,
you better make up something quick."

"If an angel is someone who touches my life,
who has a heart both loving and wise, even you don't have a halo or wings, you're still my angel in disguise."

"Don't let someone become your everything,
because when they're gone, you have nothing."

"Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up."

"Don't ever rely yourself 100% on one thing. When you lose that one thing, you have nothing."

"Just because I don’t show my feelings, doesn’t mean I don’t have any."

"Sometimes you have to smile, pretend everything's ok, hold back the tears, and just walk away."